ttab – Terminal.appの新規ウィンドウやタブをコマンドで開く –


A macOS (OS X) CLI for programmatically opening a new terminal tab/window in the standard terminal application, Terminal, or in popular alternative iTerm2, optionally with a command to execute and/or a specific title and specific display settings.



[code]npm install -g ttab[/code]

Important: Irrespective of installation method, Terminal / iTerm2 ( needs to be granted access for assistive devices in order for ttab to function properly, which is a one-time operation that requires administrative privileges.
If you’re not prompted on first run and get an error message instead, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy, tab Privacy, select Accessibility, unlock, and make sure / is in the list on the right and has a checkmark.
For more information, see Apple’s support article on the subject

と言うことで、インストール後、システム環境設定 > セキュリティとプライバシー > アクセシビリティ で、ターミナルにチェックを入れる。


でもって、Terminal.appで”ttab”と打つと、新規タブで開かれる 😀💡

$ ttab –help

Opens a new terminal tab or window in OS X’s Terminal application or iTerm2.

ttab [-w] [-s <settings>] [-t <title>] [-q] [-g|-G] [-d <dir>] [<cmd> …]

-w open new tab in new terminal window
-s <settings> assign a settings set (profile)
-t <title> specify title for new tab
-q clear the new tab’s screen
-g create tab in background (don’t activate Terminal/iTerm)
-G create tab in background and don’t activate new tab
-d <dir> specify working directory
-a Terminal|iTerm2 open tab or window in / iTerm2
<cmd> … command to execute in the new tab
"<cmd> …; …" multi-command command line (passed as single operand)

Standard options: –help, –man, –version, –home

wp-cliコマンドのwp scaffold _sと組み合わせたかった

wp scaffold _s | WordPress Developer Resources

これは、_sベースのテーマをサクッと作ってくれる便利なコマンドです 😀

このコマンドでテーマを作った後、オレオレpackage.json作ってテーマ作成の準備を全て完了させたかったんですよね 😀


↑↑このやり方ですっかり定着してきたのはいいんだけど、theme作った後、毎度browser-sync –proxy打ち替えるのも面倒だし、/disディレクトリ作るのも面倒になってしまって、scaffold _sした後新規タブでwatch, 更に新規タブでvagrant ssh下状態にしたいなと 😀


# Open a new tab in the current terminal window.

# Open a new tab in a new terminal window.
ttab -w

# Open a new tab and execute the specified command before showing the prompt.
ttab ls -l "$HOME/Library/Application Support"

# Open a new tab and execute *multiple* commands in it – note how the entire
# command line is specified as *single, quoted string*.
ttab ‘git branch; git status’

# Open a new tab, switch to the specified dir., then execute the specified
# command before showing the prompt.
ttab -d ~/Library/Application\ Support ls -1

# Open a new tab with title ‘How Green Was My Valley’ and settings ‘Grass’.
ttab -t ‘How Green Was My Valley’ -s Grass

# Open a new tab and execute the specified script before showing the prompt.
ttab /path/to/someScript

# Open a new tab, execute the specified script, and exit.
ttab exec /path/to/someScript

# Open a new tab, execute a command, wait for a keypress, and exit.
ttab ‘ls "$HOME/Library/Application Support"; echo Press a key to exit.; read -rsn 1; exit’

# Open a new tab in iTerm2 (if installed).
ttab -a iTerm2 echo ‘Hi from iTerm2.’
